Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Paying It Forward

You know those days...the ones where you wake up on the wrong side of the bed for no reason? I went to bed on time, actually a bit early, got plenty of sleep, child slept through the night, nothing bad coming up in the day. Just, well, one of those days. And I couldn't put my finger on a single reason why. I could tell I was grumpy so was watching every word coming out of my mouth because I didn't want to take it out on Matt or Alex. Luckily I got us out the door and all the way to preschool and nothing negative came out of my mouth.

Then before I left the school, I checked my phone and saw I had a text from a friend. And this is what it said: "Just thinking of you this morning and wanted to let you know I love you and hope you have a fantastic day." And that's all it took. My day completely turned around. I got the biggest smile on my face and I decided right then to make it a great day. Because not only was I loved by this friend, I was reminded in that moment that I was loved by God. He had used that friend to help brighten up my day, I just knew it. That is how He works - he places people in our lives to help us through those moments, those days. And He has blessed me with SO many wonderful people, more than I truthfully deserve.

So, this morning I wanted to tell all of you that read this blog: please know that you are loved. Loved by me and loved by God. I hope that by hearing this it might also brighten your day. I know this one is short but I just had to pass on the message. Hope you all have a FANTASTIC day!

Love in Him, Vicki