Mostly to take my mind off things, I went over to chat with him. And after about ten minutes, I realized it was a total God thing that he was there. Because his life story completely made me realize how blessed I was. Even if Mattt needed surgery and we lost his income for months, it was not 1/10 of what this man had been through. I learned that he was helping to raise his great-grandchildren because their mother had died of a drug overdose and their father is currently a drug addict and not really in the picture. The grandmother has physical custody, but has to still work to provide for the children, so this gentleman takes care of them when they are not in school. At 86 years old. Juggling a five and seven year old. When he should just be hanging out enjoying the last phase of his life.
I could go on and on about this family's story, but what struck me most that day was the little girl. And how she was doing everything in her power to get my attention. From what I learned, she was old enough when her mother passed away to remember her. And miss her. So, according to the great-grandfather, she just longs for the attention of a young lady (I thanked him for putting me in that category). That's when I realized that God put this man in my path for two reasons. The first to help me to stay calm that day, which he did perfectly. And the second was to do what I could to help this family. So, I gave him my number and told him I'd love to have the kids over to our neighborhood pool for a play date. I've had so many people in my life be there for me, ones that weren't obligated, and I realized it was my turn to give back.
It took awhile to make it happen (the 5 year old cut his arm pretty badly and couldn't get it wet for a month) but this past week we finally had that play date. And my heart is still overflowing from the experience. Alex and the boy had a great time playing together, but more importantly this little girl got some much needed female attention. She kept calling out "Miss Vicki, watch this, Miss Vicki, see this." So many times that the great-grandfather apologized on her behalf. I told him to stop apologizing because she was the reason I was there. That God put her in my path to help. And that I wanted to help. And that I planned on helping.
By the end of the two hours we spent together, she had slipped once and called me Aunt Vicki and I just let it go. And before we said our goodbyes, she and I had planned a girls' outing to the mall and for pedicures. And it's one date that I absolutely will not miss out on. I feel like it's a relationship that God has tasked me with and one that I'm more than happy to cultivate. And in all honesty, I feel proud that He felt me worthy of being there for this little girl. I hope I can make Him proud.
So, just remember, the people that we meet may be important for one of three reasons: they may be there to help us, they may be there to be helped BY us or it might just be a little bit of both. And each set is equally important. It's just figuring out which it is than can be the rough part. Luckily God made this one pretty clear.